Weighing up the agronomic characteristics of tomato applied with vermicast as soil amendment

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Research Paper 15/06/2023
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Weighing up the agronomic characteristics of tomato applied with vermicast as soil amendment

Joemel Estabillo
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 227-235, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Organic agriculture takes pro-active approach as opposed to treating problems after they emerged. The experiment was laid out in a 500m2 area divided into five treatments with 3 blocks following the Randomized Complete Block (RCBD) design. Each block was subdivided into equal plots measuring 5m x 4m each for the treatments. The study was conducted at the Nature Farm of Cagayan State University, Piat Campus. Findings show that the tallest plants, most number of fruits, heaviest fruits, highest fruits, and highest return of investment were obtained by the plants applied with combined inorganic fertilizer and vermicast. Moreover, the soil pH has a slight decrease from 6.52 to 5.25 while organic matter (N) content of the soils has slightly increased from 0.72 – 1.03. Conclusively, application of combined 90-0-0kg N ha-1 and 10 bags of vermicast contributes significant impact on the growth and development of the test plant and improved its agronomic characteristics.

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