Identification of chemical compounds cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura) powder as a natural antioxidant

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Identification of chemical compounds cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura) powder as a natural antioxidant

Diana Triswaningsih, Sri Kumalaningsih, Wignyanto, Pratikto
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 5), 84-91, May 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Antioxidant compound has a small molecular weight but is able to inhibit the oxidation reaction by preventing the formation of radicals. Using of synthetic antioxidants continuously can cause negative effect for the body. Based on the reason we needed another source of natural antioxidant by using plants, and one of plant that can we used is cherry leaf. Cherry leaf is an annual plant is easy to grow and contains a lot of phenolic compounds. This study showed that the cherry leaf extract contains flavanoid compounds, terpenoids, tannins and high antioxidant activity. Cherry leaf extract could be substitute synthetic antioxidants with further processing and identified constituent compounds. This study aims to determine the constituent compounds cherry leaf powder using format method of drying through cherry leaf extract at 50 °C and then homogenized with maltodextrin 8%, 0.3% tween 80 and dried at a drying temperature of 50 °C. The results obtained demonstrate the value of using the DPPH antioxidant activity of 80.50%. Identification of powdered Cherry leaf constituent compounds by GC-MS analysis shows the components of the volatile compounds such as geraniol (26,335%), eugenol (19,950%), citronellol (16,958%), α-amyrin (6,225%), myrcene (3,440%) and α-terpineol (7,356%).  While the identification of constituent compounds by LC-MS analysis shows the phenol compounds: Gallic acid (18,607%), Catechin (14,077%), Quercetin (10,255%), Ellagic acid (9,626%) and Kaempferol (8,699%). Result of analysis functional compound with infrared wave length range of 520.74 to 3417.63 cm-3, 15. The infra-red spectrum of functional compounds and the presence of broad bands at 3417.63 cm-3 can be attributed to (OH) stretching.


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