Prevalence and seasonal variation of malaria in human population of Bajaur Agency Near Pak-Afghan border

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Prevalence and seasonal variation of malaria in human population of Bajaur Agency Near Pak-Afghan border

Abdus Samad, Mohibullah Shah, Adnan Amjad, Muhammad Sameem Javed, Sulaiman Shams, Ibrar Ullah, Rishma, Mehwish Nawaz, Sahib Gul Afridi
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 401-405, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Malaria is one of the major health problems in the developing countries including Pakistan. In Pakistan P. vivax is most common (70-95%) while P. falciparum (5-25%) accounts for severe malaria leading to lethal malaria. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of malaria infection in human population of Bajaur Agency FATA area located near Pak-Afghan border. Total 13994 suspected febrile patients from different Health Care Centers and Agency Head Quarter Hospital of Bajaur Agency were recruited during January 2016 to December 2016. Blood samples from the subjects were tested using blood smear slides method. Data were analyzed using PHstat2 version 2.5 software. Out of 13994 suspected cases, 1666 (11.90%) were found to be positive for malaria infection. Among the positive cases, 1518 (91.12%) showed Plasmodium vivax infection, 145 (8.71%)  P. falciparum infection and only 3 (0.19%) revealed mixed type infection (both vivax and falciparum). P. vivax was the highest (n=278/2040) in August and lowest (n=24/540) in February. The prevalence was higher [n=1022 (61.34%) in males. Prevalence was 58.10% (n=968) in age group 1-20 years and 29.77% (n=496) in age group of 21-40 years. Plasmodium vivax malaria dominated all other types of malaria in the region while falciparum malaria has also shown an increased level as compared to other parts of the country. High prevalence of P. falciparum here reflects the location of study area near afghan border and human migration across the border where falciparum malaria is highly prevalent.

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