Technical efficiency of irrigated rice farming in northern Philippines

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Technical efficiency of irrigated rice farming in northern Philippines

Josie Y. Bas-ong
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 43-53, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Despite rice technology breakthroughs, the past year’s average yield in irrigated rice both in the wet and dry season is considerably low where Cagayan province, Philippines lagging behind compared to rice producing province counterparts. This study was conducted to analyse the factors associated on technical efficacy of irrigated rice farming in the northern Philippines. It made use of correlational design, covered two farming ecosystem. Nine (9) municipalities and eighteen (18) barangays were chosen considering the top three, middle three and the lowest three rice producing municipalities with a total of 393 respondents. Stratified random sampling, Slovins formula and a semi-structured survey questionnaire were used. The Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) was a tool used in the analysis of data to determine the factors influencing productivity. Factors like socio-economic profile, cultural management, climatic and environmental, support services, issues and constraints were considered to have effect to irrigated rice productivity. Stochastic Frontier Analysis results showed that only few of the top 3, middle 3 and bottom 3 irrigated rice farmers are production efficient both in the wet season of 2013 and dry season of 2014 farm operation. Proper timing of planting, government support price to boost production and farmers should slowly convert their farms into organic to improve production efficiency are recommendations to address their most pressing problems.

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