Monitoring of physiochemical quality of drinking water in selected areas of Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Monitoring of physiochemical quality of drinking water in selected areas of Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

Muhammad Mohsin, Samira Safdar, Muhammad Nasar-u-Minallah, Abdur Rehman
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 185-195, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The quality of groundwater is rapidly deteriorating and becoming unfit for human use in developing countries like Pakistan. Therefore the present study was conducted in Bahawalpur City, Punjab, Pakistan with the main objective to analyze and monitor the water quality in selected sample areas of Bahawalpur City. In order to meet the objective of the study, water samples have been taken from selected five residential areas in Bahawalpur City i.e. Model Town A, Model Town B, Shahdrah, Satellite Town and Islami Colony and were tested in PCRWR regional laboratory. The findings of the study clarified that the quality of groundwater, the most common source of drinking water in Bahawalpur city is rapidly being deteriorated due to various intervening factors i.e. rapid population growth, waste disposal, seepage of toxic ingredients, etc. The physiochemical analysis of the water samples of selected sites show identifiable variations in various parameters and was compared with WHO and PSQCA drinking water standards. EC, Hardness, TDS, Calcium, Chloride, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfate and Nitrate were considerably above the permissible limits in Shahdrah, Satellite. Town and Islamic Colony. Similarly, Arsenic and iron contaminations were also high than the permissible limits. Therefore, the study suggests that prompt action is required from the district government to check the bad quality of drinking water. For regular, accessible and safe drinking water supply, the government should installed more filtration plants in the city’s congested areas. The collaboration of the public-private partnership should be encouraged to better water management and delivery services.

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