Influence of water stress on some biochemical markers pigment contents and osmotic adjustment of durum wheat leaves induced by PEG 6000

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Influence of water stress on some biochemical markers pigment contents and osmotic adjustment of durum wheat leaves induced by PEG 6000

Adra Mouellef, Ratiba Bousba, Abdelhamid Djekoun, Nadia Ykhlef
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 21-31, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat constitutes a base element in human nutrition around the world. The understanding of the mechanisms adopted by plants in constraining conditions is essential for improving wheat tolerance to abiotic stress. The objective of this investigation is to study the effect of drought imposed by Polyethylene glycol 6000 on two durum wheat varieties: Oued Znati and Guemgoum Rkhem, growing in hydroponic condition and conducted under two water regimes. Various parameters are performed such as: relative water content, osmotic adjustment, chlorophyll content (a), (b) and soluble sugar assay. The results showed that the two studied varieties differed significantly in their responses to  water deficit and that stress treatment caused  a decrease in the leaf  relative water content, the chlorophyll content (a), as well as the chlorophyll content (b), However, we observed  an increase in osmotic adjustment and soluble sugar content. As a result, both varieties follow the same tolerance or avoidance strategies for water stress, but to different degrees. From the data it was obvious that the Oued Znati variety was the most drought tolerant genotype having signifi­cantly higher osmotic adjustment, sugar accumulation, and relative water content while lower chlorophyll b content under water stress conditions. It resulted that this variety is considered a tolerant variety and can be used in further research for genetic characterization of this traits and durum wheat breeding programs.

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