Mycoendophytes as pest control agents, using culture filtrates, against green apple aphid; Aphis pomi (Hemiptera, Aphididae)

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Mycoendophytes as pest control agents, using culture filtrates, against green apple aphid; Aphis pomi (Hemiptera, Aphididae)

Khamssa Rouabah, Nadia Lombarkia, Oussama Ali Bensaci, Tunali Berna
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 16-26, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Aphis pomi is a significant pest of apples. Chemical pesticides have been the practical method used for the control of economically important pest insects. Today, it is recognized that the use of constantly increasing pesticides in agriculture, constitute a serious problem in different fields. Why, the recourse to alternative strategies of control is considered like one of the most promising solutions. Biological control using endophytic fungi is a promising alternative to chemical control. The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of some isolates of endophytic fungi, for the control of the green apple aphid. The study consisted of four isolated treatments applied as culture filtrates pure bioformulations against Aphis pomi at different concentrations (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), where mortality rate was determined. To show a possible relationship between aphicid enzymatic activities, protease enzyme was quantified and proteolytic index was determined. Results showed that fungal filtrates having a variable aphicid activity. We recorded variable mortality rates according to the type of filtrates and the gradient of concentration where Trichoderma sp. had the best activity. Thus, the evolution of mortality is not more proportional in relation to the gradient of concentration; it is rather about a maximal mortality (91, 76%) that corresponds to an optimal concentrations (25% and 100%). We noticed that the colony diameter and the proteolytic activity are two parameters correlated negatively; this relation is not expressed in the same way for fungi that have recorded a proteolytic activity. All fungal filtrates have an aphicid activity towards A. pomi with a negative correlation between colony diameter and proteolytic activity detected in isolates.

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