Medicinal plants consumption in Darmai Valley, Swat District, Pakistan

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Medicinal plants consumption in Darmai Valley, Swat District, Pakistan

Nazim Hassan, Mohy Ud Din, Faiz-Ul-Hassan, Mohammad Nisar, Aimal Khan, Syed Sadaqat Shah, Sajjad Ahmed, Saddam Hussain, Waqif Khan, Ajmal Iqbal, Haider Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 119-128, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The main purpose of this study was to collect information on traditional uses of medicinal plant species used by the inhabitants of Darmai valley, District Swat, Pakistan. This is the first ethno botanical survey from the study area. A total of 62 informants were questioned through interviews and group debates. Overall 60 medicinal plant species from 39 families were studied. Family Asteraceae (10%) with 6 plant species was the most prominent family. Highest Informant consensus factor (0.86) was observed for gastrointestinal while lowest (0.7) for antiseptic and aphrodisiac. High fidelity level 94.11 % was noted for Berberis Lycium (Stomach disorder) and lowest 29.41 % for Caesalpinia decapetala as purgative. For preparation of ethno medicines the residents take whole plant (39%), leaves (21%), rhizome (10%), seeds (8%), flowers, fruits, cloves (5%) and shoots (3%).  Herbal medicines were used as crushed and paste (25%), decoction (22%), raw (11%), oil and powder (5%), fried, heated, Infusion and Juice (2%). The ethno medicines (88%) were used orally followed by dermal (12%).Mostly herbs (67%) were in practice for the preparation of ethno medicines.  Ethno medicines were taken (88%) orally. Plants with high use reports and High Fidelity level may be subjected to further comprehensive studies for new drug discovery.

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