Performance of Gunung Bawo Forest in South Barito District

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Performance of Gunung Bawo Forest in South Barito District

Deny Fakhriza, Hafizianor, Suyanto
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 403-413, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Gunung Bawo Forest is one of the tropical rain forest area located in Bintang Ara Village, South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The Dayak Bawo people have local traditions and cultural values ​​that are direct connected to the forest and forest areas they occupy. Forest management in Indonesia, as is done by the community, one of them is Gunung Bawo Forest located in the village of Bintang Ara. This research method uses qualitative approach with quantitative, where the society become the main character of extracting information and from result of interview and information from facet of calculation using some alternative each from that used for different information. Productivity, efficiency, equity, and sustainability. Results of research showing better performance Gunung Bawo Forest can be said to be very good, this is done with the value of density, productivity, sustainability, fairness and values ​​that exceed from ≥150 which is 466 with the category 80% very good because still the preservation of its forest form is automatically guarded by the villagers in Bintang Ara village. If there are factors that affect the very low performance of the whole, only 72, this is due to the uneven distribution of results for the Dayak Bawo community and constrained, but no current distribution results.

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