Coccidia of the grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) in southern Côte d’Ivoire

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Coccidia of the grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) in southern Côte d’Ivoire

Zouh Bi Zahouli Faustin, Touré Alassane, Oka-Komoin Clarisse, Karamoko Yahaya
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 72-81, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Coccidiosis is a limiting factor for livestock profitability in Africa. In Côte d’Ivoire, most farmers feed their grasscutters with fodder harvested from forage areas frequented by livestock and wild ruminants. To verify the presence and species of coccidia in grasscutters farms, coprological examinations were carried out on 150 wild and 150 farmed grasscutters from the south of the country. Histological sections were also performed on different portions of the digestive tract to identify the different stages of evolution of coccidia oocysts. Prevalences of coccidia in wild and farmed grasscutters were compared using the Chi-square test. The prevalence of coccidian oocysts in wild grasscutters was 70% compared to 22.6% in farmed grasscutters. Wild grasscutters also showed massive faecal excretion in contrast to farmed grasscutters (3067+/-1077 OPG in wild grasscutters versus 729+/-333 OPG in farmed grasscutters). The histological examinations allowed the identification in the small intestine of two evolution stages of coccidia oocysts: the microgametocyte and the macrogametocyte stage. Coprocultivation showed that all sporulated coccidia oocysts had four sporocysts in their cytoplasm, each containing two sporozoites. These characteristics correspond to that of coccidia of the genus Eimeria. Sporulation at ambient temperature occurred from day 6. Therefore six different forms suggesting six species were obtained. This study would contributeto a prophylaxis program based on the observations reported to interrupt the cycle of coccidian infestation in grasscutters farms in Côte d’Ivoire.


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