Evaluation of nutrition facts of certain vegetables for weight loss

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Evaluation of nutrition facts of certain vegetables for weight loss

Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Usman, Usama Jamil, Muhammad Maqsood, Muhammad Salajik Masud, Muhammad Asif, Muneeb ur Rehman, Taimor Hayat
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 233-241, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Obesity has now become a chronic disease that is prevailing worldwide. Prominent reasons other than genetic effects are physical inactivity, sleep cycle disturbance, and poor dietary habits. A balanced diet is essential for attaining good physical health and a normal BMI (Body Mass Index) score. To decrease obesity and losing weight, a diet should be adjusted with high protein contents and low fats and carbohydrates. Excess amounts of calories should be avoided and a daily diet should be a calorie deficit. Vegetables which are the best source of high fiber and protein contents and low carbohydrates are discussed in this study. Spinach, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Green peas, Cauliflower, Sweet potatoes, Beans, Pumpkin, and Carrot are narrated from by nutritional point of view. These vegetables are rich in protein and fiber contents which help in losing weight by providing a feeling of fullness. Moreover, these accumulate less in body weight as compared to other dietary products.

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