Winter saline accumulation in the a Bare Aridosols: the example of the bowl of ouargla (northern sahara Algeria)

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Winter saline accumulation in the a Bare Aridosols: the example of the bowl of ouargla (northern sahara Algeria)

Abdelhak Idder, Imed-Eddine Nezli, Tahar Idder, Salim Azib
Int. J. Biosci.18( 3), 205-213, March 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The soil landscape of the Ouargla basin is dominated mainly by halomorphy and hydromorphy. These phenomena are the consequence of the high salinity in the region. It was a question of identifying the ionic repartition and the formation of salts from the concentrations found in the soil solution under the influence of the winter climate presenting an evaporating power visible on the surface added to an excessively salty groundwater at the base (C5S3). This bare soil was analyzed through six profiles dug according to the direction of groundwater flow. The granulometric nature of this soil is sandy-limonous, hence the low expression of exchange phenomena. Based on the saline profile of the horizons examined in winter, it is observed that all dosed ions undergo a disproportionate ascent from the bottom to the top of the profile. It is observed that the horizontal movement of salinity follows the direction of the phreatic stream. The concentrations of the ions indicate an imbalance among the cations in favour of the Ca+2 and the anions in favor of so4-2chlorine. This configuration is confirmed by the majority presence of the white salt materialized by the formed salts, namely The NaCl and Na2SO4. In addition, results indicate that the different salts identified mass primarily in large quantities on the surface, thus giving it the degraded saline character type A. The majority chlorine and sodium in the soil solution offer sodium chroride chemical facies. Faced with the concentrations observed, this type of soil is not suitable for any crop.

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