Thermodynamic modeling of the salinity of groundwater in the basin of Ouargla (Algerian Sahara)

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Research Paper 01/02/2022
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Thermodynamic modeling of the salinity of groundwater in the basin of Ouargla (Algerian Sahara)

Abdelhak Idder, Salim Azib, Imed-Eddine Nezli, Tahar Idder
Int. J. Biosci.20( 2), 229-233, February 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


An underground reservoir of considerable water capacity encloses the Ouargla basin located in the southeast of Algeria. It is distributed along with deep and wide depression, corresponding to the lower valley of one of the largest Saharan fossil rivers: the Oued Mya. Given this situation which marks the importance of the water volume of this reservoir, monitoring of the water quality of the groundwater (surface water) was undertaken in a naturally bare plot, without anthropogenic actions and without possibilities of emptying into the drainage network. The main results show that the waters of this aquifer have an extremely high salinity attested by eclectic conductivity values​​, which vary, from upstream to downstream in the direction of flow, from 25.7 dS/m to 171.9 dS/m. In addition, the results of anionic and cationic analyzes show a remarkable superiority of sodium among the cations (its content increases from 168.48 meq/l upstream to 978.26 meq downstream) and of chlorine among the anions (its content increases from 218.31 meq/l to 1225.35 meq), which gives these waters a dominant chemical facies of sodium chloride. The study of the saturation index of the halite, anhydrite and aragonite components shows that the dissolution of the gypsum formations is due to the increase in the alcanization of the waters and the precipitation of aragonite, calcite and dolomite. The sensitivity of minerals to the saturation index highlights a priority precipitation of carbonate elements followed by gypsites and finally halite.

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