Reduction estimates of CO2 emission at the relocation site of typhoon victims: an alternate to climate resiliency

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Reduction estimates of CO2 emission at the relocation site of typhoon victims: an alternate to climate resiliency

Mary Jean D. Salvaña, Alma Negre Abug
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 83-90, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that causes global warming is one of the major forces that challenges every country to search for alternative energy sources. The study attempted to quantify the carbon account reduction of using an alternative energy source, Solar Photovoltaic, SPV panel at the relocation site of Sendong Typhoon victims at the elevated part of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines and to determine how it can provide residents resiliency to global warming. A total of 30 households were purposively selected to answer the survey questionnaire in terms of the family income, the components of solar system installed and its estimated costs as well as the generated electricity in kW/hr., the payback time and the avoided carbon dioxide, CO2 emission. Results showed56.7% of the households were using basic SPV 50-wattage panel that supplies energy for lighting, battery charging and operating mini electric fans, but the energy generated per household varied depending on the SPV panel used. The lower the energy, the longer the payback period, generating an average of 6.12 kW-hr per month. Quantitatively, the CO2 emission that can be avoided is approximately 0.861 metric ton per year for households using the 50-watts. Moreover, an estimate of 2.583 metric ton/year of CO2 emission can be avoided for a-30 household respondents ranging from 50-200 watts usage of SPV panels. In general, the adoption of a household to spend for a panel to be used for energy generation can be an alternative measure for climate resiliency.

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