Estimation of some genetic parameters and correlation in the varieties of bread wheat under the conditions of Al Diwaniyah

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Estimation of some genetic parameters and correlation in the varieties of bread wheat under the conditions of Al Diwaniyah

Riyadh Jabbar Al-maliki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 223-228, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A field experiment was carried out in the fields of one of the farmers in AL Diwaniyah Governorate for the winter season 2015/2016 using nine varieties of wheat bread (Tamoze 1, Tamoze 2, Maksebak, Sabah, Eba 95, Latifia, Eba 99, Abu Ghraib and Sham 6). RCBD Used design with three replicate in order to estimation of some genetic parameters and correlation of bread wheat varieties under the experiment Diwaniyah to determine the most effect characters on yield that can be used as guide to select and improve the yield, an account Genetic and phenotypic variation, correlation coefficient, inheritance ratio in broad and narrow expected genetic improvement ratio for character height plant, number of Branches, spike length, number of grains spike, weight of 1000 and yield. The results showed that there were significant differences between the cultivars, with the superiority of the Eba 99 by giving the highest rate of 1043.3kg / acre between the varieties. There were significant differences between the studied characters Abu Ghraib 99 the superiority in number of branches, length of spick, number of the seed spick and weight of 1000 grin their average (11.33, 12.0, 66.3 and 47.3gram, respectively), which were positively reflected in grain yield. The genetic, environmental and morphological differences of the studied character were significant and the values ​​of the genetic and phenotypic factors were correlated to most traits and inheritance in the broad sense higher (0.592 – 0.728). As an average percentage medal of most traits, but genetic and phenotypic correlation were significant in the desired direction of most yield and therefore yield can be considered as an electoral tool in breeding and plant improvement programs.

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