The use of cucurbitaceae fruits and seeds : research synthesis

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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The use of cucurbitaceae fruits and seeds : research synthesis

Ouattara Howélé, Touré Abdoulaye, Koné Vazoumana, Kati-coulibaly Séraphin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 5), 47-59, May 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This review aim to show to population the importance for good health of the three Curbitaceae, [C. lanatus (Thunb), L. siceraria (Molina) and C. mannii (Naudin)],  fruits, seeds and by-products consumption. Then, all article talking about the Cucurbitaceae have been downloaded. The juice, extracted from the pulp of C. lanatus and L. siceraria fruits consumption bring proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamin for the organism. The three Cucurbitaceae seeds are nutritiously rich because they contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, minerals, fiber, vitamin and antioxidant. The lipids extracted from the three Cucubitaceae seeds are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The seeds are also rich in proteins which can be used for food forification in developing countries. The consumption of juices extracted from the fruits, seeds and its by-products protect against diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, cancer, the devasting action of free radicals, bacterial disease, inflammatories reactions, cardiovascular desesaes, depression, can modulate immune action and reinforce eye slight. The consumption of Cucurbitaceae pulp juice, seeds and its by-products must be recommend in developing countries where malnutrition is a recurrent phenomena. Research in order to improve food fortification with some products derived from Cucurbitaceae seeds must be intensify.

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