Hydro-chemical characterization of an aquatic ecosystem water of El Kala national park (Case of Oubeira Lake, Northeast Algeria)

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Hydro-chemical characterization of an aquatic ecosystem water of El Kala national park (Case of Oubeira Lake, Northeast Algeria)

Warda Boumaraf, Rachid Djamai, Nacira Djabali
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 59-67, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The endorheic Oubeira lake is located in El Kala national park which is ranked seventh of eight national protected parks in the north of Algeria, a shallow lake considered as a wetland of international importance particularly as waterfowl habitat. It receives waste water from small towns which is used for agricultural activities during dry seasons. The objective of this work is devoted to the physico-chemical data analysis of water drawn on the lake’s perimeter. These analyses are concerned the parameters of quality measured in-situ using field’s multi-parameter  (temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, oxydo-reduction potential and dissolved oxygen), and at the laboratory (chlorides was done by titrimetry method, bicarbonate were carried out by sulfuric acid and sulphate by BaCl2 gravimetric method, Cations such as calcium and magnesium were made by complexometry, while sodium and potassium by atomic absorption spectrometry) according to a network of monitoring 15 water points. The results of the hydrochemical study indicate that the lake’s water presents an average mineralization (electrical conductivity < 1000 μs/cm) and a pH slightly alkaline. According to Piper diagram, the two dominant chemical facies are chloride magnesium and magnesium bicarbonate respectively with rates of 80% and 20%. For irrigation, the water of the study area presents no risk on cultures; it is of good quality following Richard’s diagram.


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