Effect of different growth stimulants on growth and flower quality of zinnia (Zinnia elegans) var. Benery’s giant

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Effect of different growth stimulants on growth and flower quality of zinnia (Zinnia elegans) var. Benery’s giant

Sammia Mahroof, Usman Shoukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai, Maila-Al-Saba Shah, Sawal John, AzqaAzhar Qureshi
Int. J. Biosci.11( 2), 25-34, August 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Zinnia elegans is an elegant flower of Asteraceae family which holds eminent position in cut flower industry due to its versatility, everlasting colors and exceptional vase life with the aid of plant growth stimulators. Plant growth and development is altered by modification of its physiological processes due to these stimulants via acting inside cells to regulate or inhibit enzyme systems and trigger plant metabolism. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate morphology and flowering of Zinnia elegansby applying different concentrations of growth stimulants including salicylic acid (100, 150 and 200mg/L) vegetable extract (2, 3 and 4ml/L) isabion (2, 3 and 4ml/L) and organic fertilizer wokozim (2, 3 and 4ml/L) respectively. The study was laid out in factorial arrangement with three replications. It was opined that salicylic acid (200mg/L) exhibited a positive impact particularly on plant height, inter nodal distance, flower emergence, flower stalk length and girth, number of florets and buds, flower diameter, fresh and dry weight whereas wokozim (3ml/L) increased the number of leaves, inter nodal distance and length of flower stalk. Vegetable extract (4ml/L)proved more effective for increasing plant height, number of leaves, fresh flower weight, whereas isabion (3, 4ml/L) enhanced the plant height, flower emergence, diameter of flower and vase life of the flower.

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