Effects of three Parkia biglobosa seeds peeling methods as pretreatments on derived products quality
Paper Details
Effects of three Parkia biglobosa seeds peeling methods as pretreatments on derived products quality
The objective of the present study was to study the effect of three seed peeling methods on the physicochemical characteristics of Parkia biglobosa seeds. Methods used were the traditional peeling with mortar (TPM), the peeling with abrasive wheel (PAW) and the peeling with Engelberg dehuller (PED). The results showed that the peeling of 13 kg of seeds with TPM required about 2820 ± 170.88 ml of water and 380.67 ±17.93 g of ash, and that of PED needed 591.67 ± 173.23 ml of water. However, the PAW did not require water for the same amount of seeds. No significant differences were recorded neither for the yields of the peeling methods, nor for the weight of thousand peeled seeds. High breakage rates were recorded for the PED (12.50 ± 2.53%). The ratios of the weight of thousand peeled seeds compared to the weight of thousand whole non-peeled seeds are all lower than 1. High broken seeds rate of the PED can lead to a loss of production when processing the seeds into soumbala. Kernels from broken seeds may be lost in the washing step of cooked peeled kernels. The ratios of the weight of thousand seeds and the rate of variations (15.85-16.30%) of the peeled seeds compared to the whole seeds showed considerable loss of the teguments of seeds after the different peeling methods. This could contribute to the optimization of the cooking of the P. biglobosa seeds and the processing of cooked seeds.
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Mariam Coulibaly/Diakité, Charles Parkouda, Clarisse Sidbewendé Compaoré, Christine Kéré/Kando, Fabékourè Cédric Kambiré, Romaric Geofroy Bayili, Bernadette Kabré, Amadou Rouamba, Bréhima Diawara, Aly Savadogo (2022), Effects of three Parkia biglobosa seeds peeling methods as pretreatments on derived products quality; IJB, V20, N6, June, P155-166
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