Some aspects of the biology of Ctenopoma petherici (Pisces: Anabantidae) in a West African Hydroelectric Lake Dam (Lake of Ayame 2, Côte d’Ivoire)

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Some aspects of the biology of Ctenopoma petherici (Pisces: Anabantidae) in a West African Hydroelectric Lake Dam (Lake of Ayame 2, Côte d’Ivoire)

Zeré Marius Gogbé, Kassi Georges Blahoua, Ebram Luc Gervais Djadji, Valentin N’Douba
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 113-125, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The importance of Ctenopoma petherici in the catches of subsistence fishing in the hydroelectric lake dam of Ayame 2 (Côte d’Ivoire) deserves a particular attention to the biological data of this species for eventual monitoring of stocks. Length-weight relationship, condition factor and reproductive biology were investigated. Thus, a total of 390 specimens was collected monthly from September 2015 to August 2016 using gill nets (08 to 30 mm stretched mesh). The b-values are 2.91 and 2.43 for females then 2.53 and 2.60 for males in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. These values reveal that C. petherici had exhibits a negative growth pattern. The mean of K-value is greater than 1 indicating a well-being of C. petherici. The sex-ratio is not different from 1:1 ratio (χ² = 0.00, p ˃ 0.05). The size at first sexual maturity is 110.3 mm (SL) for females and 99.2 mm (SL) for males. This fish species breeds all the year round in this environment with a maximum in rainy season (November and June). The coefficient of oocyte diameter variability shows that this fish species lays the eggs only once during the spawning period. The absolute fecundity ranged from 783 to 25980 oocytes with a mean of 8574 ± 7191 oocytes and the relative fecundity varied from 12 to 301 oocytes per unit body weight (g) with a mean of 136 ± 78 oocytes.g-1. The present data generated will form a baseline tool for effective fisheries management and sustainable exploitation of C. petherici in this Lake.

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