Canopy interception on tree architecture models of aubreville, stone and leeuwenberg in Lore Lindu National Park Area, Indonesia

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Canopy interception on tree architecture models of aubreville, stone and leeuwenberg in Lore Lindu National Park Area, Indonesia

Naharuddin, Ariffien Bratawinata, Sigit Hardwinarto, Ramadanil Pitopang
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 2), 75-88, February 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


An important component in the hydrological cycle is vegetation, especially its role in intercept rainfall. This study aims to determine the effect of rainfall on the throughfall, stem flow and canopy interception on  Aubreville architectural models, Leeuwenberg and Stone tree stands. This research conducted at the forest garden land of Gumbasa sub watershed, in Palu watershed. Administratively the region is in districtof Gumbasa, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, which is included in the Lore Lindu National Park Area. Determination of the sample conducted representatively, using the survey method by way of the path along the river at Gumbasa Sub watershed. Data were analyzed using statistical analysis through a simple linear regression equation. The results showed that the relationship between rainfall to stem flow, throughfall, and canopy interception is linear and highly significant at the level of 99%. The best architectural trees model to increase the amount of water up to the ground surface is the Leeuwenberg model of species Calophyllum soulattri (Clusiaceae).


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