Weed as potential source of phytochemicals

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Research Paper 30/04/2022
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Weed as potential source of phytochemicals

Sapna Shukla, Purnima Beohar, Renu Pathak, Divya Singh, Prashant Chaturvedi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 4), 88-95, April 2022.
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Many varieties of plants are used as medicine. Traditional medicines are the actual originator of modern medicines. Different phytochemicals obtained from many weeds plants like Sida cordifolia of Malvaceae, are used to cure illness such as fever, headache, and intestinal parasitic infections, flowers of Leucas aspera of family Lamiaceae are used as expectorant, stimulants and insecticide etc. A weed is a plant growing where it is not desired. Not only they are unwanted but they also compete for resources lowering the productivity of crop plants. By exploring the medicinal properties of such weeds, we can compensate for the loss they create. Abundance and accessibility of weeds increases their potential future as medicinal plants. In this review we are bringing forth plant profile, important secondary metabolites and therapeutic role of four potential weed plants.

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