Seed-borne fungi of some soybean varieties from Cameroon and impact on seed germination and seedling vigour index

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Seed-borne fungi of some soybean varieties from Cameroon and impact on seed germination and seedling vigour index

Yaouba Aoudou, Essola Etoalouis Childeric, Nchoutnji Ibrahim
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 1), 35-41, January 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


An investigation to detect the seed-borne fungi of soybean varieties cultivated in Cameroon and their effect on seed germination and seedling vigour was conducted in the Phytopathology Laboratory of Plant Protection Department, University of Dschang from April to July 2016. Seven varieties/line were collected, five from IRAD station of Foumbot and two from FAR of Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. Blotter method and agar plate were used to detect associated fungi of soybean seed and to evaluate the percentage of germination. Altogether, fourteen fungi comprising nine genera namely Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Botritis sp, Cladosporiumsp, cercospora spp, colletotricumsp, Fusarium moniliforme, F. solani, F. oxysporium, penicellium sp, Phomopsis sp, Rhizopus stolonifer. Chaetomium sp and Mélanospora zamiea, were detected from soybean seed samples. The germination of seed samples varied from 53.5 (TGX-1910-14E) to 98.9 % (TGX-1835-10E and ENGOPA 314). Germination of seeds was directly related to the prevalence of fungi associated with the seed. The vigour index varied from 818 for ENGOPA 316 to 1456 for HOULA 1.ENGOPA 316 and TGX-1835-10E gave the least vigour index significantly different with all of other varieties. Important pathogenic fungi recorded which are responsible of lowering of germination percentage of some soybean varieties, need more control for enhancing soybean productivity.

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