Metal Concentrations in tissues of Mullus barbatus L. Catched from the West Algerian coast

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Metal Concentrations in tissues of Mullus barbatus L. Catched from the West Algerian coast

Ikram Bentata keddar, Mohammed Bouderbala, Salim Mouffok, Zitouni Boutiba
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 2), 88-93, August 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Heavy metal concentrations were investigated in body tissue of a demersal Mullus barbatus from commercial cached in west Algerian coast (Oran and Beni Saf). Fish samples were collected seasonally from November 2013 to April 2014, a total of n= 149 fish were measured. Muscle, liver and gonads were analyzed for zinc, cadmium and nickel by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.The aim of this study was to determine relationship between trace metals concentrations with size, organs bioaccumulation and seasons, and compare between the levels of contamination of the mullet fished from the two ports. Finally, to assess the risk of its consumption on human health. Statistical analysis pinpointed no substantial differences in metal concentration levels between size classes concerning mature fish Significant differences were observed between tissues concentrations of Zn; gonads accumulate it more than liver and muscle. The concentrations of Cd in body of red mullet vary significantly according to season, spring records the highest concentrations. Although, the two sites were exposed to different sources of pollution but no significant difference was observed between their levels of contamination. In this study, the mean values of Cd in muscle tissues are slightly higher than the limits fixed by the FAO.


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