Effects of grafting on fruit’s quality in two tomato cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in hot bed

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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Effects of grafting on fruit’s quality in two tomato cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in hot bed

Javid Emaratpardaz, Fahimeh Bagheri, Jaber Panahande, Zahra Eslaminezhad, Habib Davati-Kazemnia
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 4), 166-171, October 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a crop of high economic importance in many countries. The cultivation of grafted fruit bearing vegetable plants has increased greatly and grafting is an important technique for the sustainable production of fruit bearing vegetables in Iran and some Asian and European countries, where land use is very intensive and continuous cropping is common. The influence of different grafting methods on the success of grafting and fruit yield of two tomato cultivars (Es10002 and Heirloom) was studied in a hydroponic hot bed system The results of experiment showed that, grafting was effective on some of qualitative properties. Among these properties, could refer to pH, EC, vitamin c, dry weight and shelf life of fruit , which these ones also influenced by both stock and scions. The results showed that grafting didn’t have significant influence on fresh weight of fruit but for dry weight of fruit showed significant different. The results of this research showed that grafting had significant influence on potassium rate of fruit. The comparison of means showed that self-grafting treatments of variety ES10002 and heirloom had highest and lowest potassium level respectively, but grafting didn’t have significant influence on phosphor level of fruit. Grafting is thus considered an important technique for sustainable greenhouse production of fruit-bearing vegetables.

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