Evaluation of groundwater modeling

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Short Communications 01/12/2011
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Evaluation of groundwater modeling

Paul C Njoku, Okoroji L
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 6), 174-178, December 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


The study deals with groundwater technique involving flow hydrodynamics and water quality mass transport. Modeling is a very wide term as used and applied in earth sciences, many studies have conceptual models, hydrogeological models, mathematical models, analytical models, numerical models, stochastic models and deterministic models. There are marked differences among these models but also many similarities depending on their use and dimensions of applications. The study treated flow-hydrodynamics and Water quality-mass transport. The study deals with an evaluation of a conceptual model in hydrology which is the pictorial representation of the groundwater flow explained in the form of a block diagram. The observations of the research implication have been that qualitative interpretation of data and information of a site are conceptualized.


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