Antagonistic, antibiofilm antioxidant and anticancer activity of secondary metabolites of isolated bacteria from mangrove soil

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Research Paper 08/12/2022
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Antagonistic, antibiofilm antioxidant and anticancer activity of secondary metabolites of isolated bacteria from mangrove soil

Rajasri Celladurai, Sumathi Vadamalai
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 378-386, December 2022.
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Different antagonistic and antioxidant medications are mostly derived from bacterial metabolites generated by mangrove species. The antagonistic bacterial strain isolated PP1 bacteria was isolated from soil samples, and its crude secondary metabolites were evaluated for antagonistic, antioxidant, and cytotoxic characteristics. Using ethanol centrifugation, the secondary metabolites of the PP1 strain were isolated, and their antagonistic action toward clinical bacterial pathogens was evaluated. Additionally verified MCF-7 breast cancer cell anticancer activity in a concentration-dependent manner. These findings imply that the isolated bacterium PP1’s secondary metabolites may be useful as antioxidant and antagonistic substances. It is crucial to keep in mind that more research, such as clinical trials, would be required to thoroughly assess the efficacy and safety of using these metabolites in either people or animals.

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