Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on the growth, photosynthesis and proline content on maize in salt stress

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Research Paper 01/05/2014
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Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on the growth, photosynthesis and proline content on maize in salt stress

Davar Molazem, Ali Bashirzadeh, Maryam Fathollahzadeh Ardabili
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 46-52, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


To evaluate the effect of salt stress and salicylic acid application on growth and physiological traits of maize varieties, an experiment was conducted in factorial split plot based on RCBD design with 3 replications in research farm of Islamic Azad University of Ardebil branch during 2012-13. Salt stress factor including three levels (control, 50mM and 100mM NaCl) and acid salicylic (control, 1mM and 2mM). Results from the experiment showed that, between different salinity in plant height, chlorophyll a, leaf area index and proline were significantly different. Effect of salicylic except for chlorophyll a was not significant for all traits. With the increase of salt in the soil, plant height was significantly reduced. Minimum plant height in the third of salinity with 111 cm was obtained that with the dose of 50 mM had no significant difference. Leaf relative water content decreased with increasing salt, but this decrease was not significant. Between of salinity 50 to 100 mM, a significant difference was not found. But the least amount of chlorophyll a in 100 mM of salinity with 0.2001 mg chlorophyll per g fresh weight of leaves was obtained. Leaf area decreased with increasing salinity. Highest proline with 1.351 mmol g fresh weight of leaves was obtained in normal conditions. Between chlorophyll a with chlorophyll b, significant positive correlation was obtained. But with proline a non-significant negative correlation was found. Between leaf area index with leaf relative water content, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b was seen a significant positive correlation

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