Hybrid ResNet50-PCA based deep transfer learning approach for classification of tomato leaf diseases

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Research Paper 17/04/2023
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Hybrid ResNet50-PCA based deep transfer learning approach for classification of tomato leaf diseases

Rubul Kumar Bania, Sumit Dey, Nilutpal Buragohain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 42-48, April 2023.
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Tomato is one of the world’s most indispensable and consumable vegetable items. In the Indian market, it has high commercial value, and it is produced in huge quantities. The crop sensitivity and climatic conditions have made diseases familiar in the tomato crop during all the stages of its growth. It is a difficult task to monitor plant diseases manually due to its complex nature and time-consuming process. Artificial intelligence (AI) based computational models can detect leaf diseases in their early stages. In this article, ResNet50 a deep transfer learning based Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) amalgamated with Principal component analysis (PCA) to classify tomato leaf diseases effectively. Subset of publicly available ‘Plant Village’ dataset is used in this study. The architecture has attained the highest accuracy of 98.18% for identifying tomato leaf diseases. The experimental results show that the computational model effectively identifies tomato leaf disease and could be generalized to other plant diseases.

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