Spatial variations of current forest structure and composition of mangrove forest in Biliran Island, Philippines

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Research Paper 07/06/2023
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Spatial variations of current forest structure and composition of mangrove forest in Biliran Island, Philippines

Randy A. Villarin, Ruffy M. Rodrigo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 30-36, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove forests are unique ecosystems that provide numerous ecological services, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and coastal protection. However, more information is needed about the structure and composition of the Biliran Island mangrove forest in the Philippines. Basal area or diameter at breast height is a commonly used parameter for biomass estimation; we aimed to investigate the spatial variability of forest structure, including diameter at breast height and basal area and species composition. We found significant variations in forest structure and composition among different localities, likely due to natural and human-made disturbances. These findings provide a valuable baseline for understanding forest dynamics and informing future forest policies toward protecting and conserving essential mangrove ecosystems in the country. Furthermore, our study highlights the importance of understanding the structure and composition of mangrove forests for effective conservation and management. These results can help inform future research on carbon storage and sequestration in mangrove forests as blue carbon, as well as conservation and management strategies for these vital ecosystems.

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