Prevalence and Risk Factor of Intestinal Helminthiasis and Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis) Co-Infections in Idumuje-Unor Community, Delta State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 03/08/2023
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Prevalence and Risk Factor of Intestinal Helminthiasis and Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis) Co-Infections in Idumuje-Unor Community, Delta State, Nigeria

Orhewere D.A. Regina, O.P.G. Nmorsi, Ede E. Lemy
Int. J. Biosci.23( 2), 38-46, August 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study was undertaken to ascertain the prevalence and risk factors for intestinal helminthiasis and lymphatic filariasis co-infection in Idumuje-Unor, a rural community in Delta State. Sedimentation and formalin ethyl acetate concentration was carried out for the determination of helminth eggs in the stool samples. The Filarial Test Strip (AlereTM) and rapid diagnosis test were used to confirm positivity for lymphatic filariasis. DNA extraction and PCR amplification of Wuchereria bancrofti () genes was carried out. The study showed that out of the 231 samples examined, 149(64.5%) were positive for at least one parasitic infection. From the 149 positive cases, 5(3.4%) co-infection of intestinal helminthes and lymphatic filariasis was observed. Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent (60.4%). Sex based prevalence recorded 23(15.4%) cases in male and 67(45.0%) cases in female for A. lumbricoides (P > 0.05) in the study area. T. trichuira was also significantly higher (P > 0.05) in female compared to male. Multiple infections were recorded for both male and females for A. lumbricoides and T. trichuira respectively. Female recorded higher prevalence of 3(60%) followed by male with 2(40%) for lymphatic filariasis based on sex. Prevalence was higher in age group 16 – 25 (60%). Risk Factors related to these parasitic infections in the study area showed that individuals whose water source is the hand dug well have a higher prevalence 95(63.8%) than those who use water from borehole 54 (36.2%). Risk factors for lymphatic filariasis showed that participants living around stagnant water had the highest prevalence of 3(60.00%). These data documented the baseline information on prevalence of intestinal helminthes and lymphatic filariasis co-infection in the study area.


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