Reviving cropping land in Sub-saharan Africa: An in-depth review of the land recovery potential and strategies

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Review Paper 08/09/2023
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Reviving cropping land in Sub-saharan Africa: An in-depth review of the land recovery potential and strategies

Joseph Kalonga, Kelvin Mtei, Boniface Massawe, Anthony Kimaro
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 3), 13-33, September 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Land degradation is a major challenge affecting the sustainability of agriculture and livestock production systems worldwide. Poor soil and water management practices coupled with unsustainable agricultural practices are known to accelerate land degradation. Globally, approximately 18.1 million km2 of land is degraded, of which 62% is due to unsustainable use of the land and 38% is due to overgrazing. In Sub-Saharan Africa is 46% grassland, 12% cropland, and 26% forest land. This review found that SSA has a vast potential in restoring degraded land ranging from land degradation monitoring and evaluation, agricultural conservation techniques, soil biotechnology, and soil management techniques. The increasing land degradation problem in SSA is due to the ineffective utilization of soil conservation techniques. Effective utilization of land recovery potential and strategies in SSA for the aim of restoring degraded land in the region will play a large part in addressing the problem of land degradation which resulted in food insecurity in the SSA. This review recommends the following: the creation of participatory policies that allow governments to work successfully with local farmers to manage the soil sustainably using soil restoration and conservation technologies, making better and more effective use of the large informational resources from previously completed soil conservation and restoration based projects, continued funding of agricultural research to encourage the creation of technology that will restore degradation land and increase yields using sustainable land management practices, and need for the agent action to transform existing conventional agriculture into agricultural practices which ensure sustainability.

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