Histopathological effects of neem seeds extracts (Azacdirachta indica) on adults of Rastrococcus invadens (Williams, 1986)

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Histopathological effects of neem seeds extracts (Azacdirachta indica) on adults of Rastrococcus invadens (Williams, 1986)

Fawrou Seye, Amadou Fall, Fatou Kamby, Mamour Toure, Raymond Demba Ndione, Mady Ndiaye
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 116-123, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Rastrococcus invadens is an insect infesting mango trees and causing significant damage in certain localities in Senegal. The damage affects host plants, greatly reducing mango production, thus causing enormous economic losses. Producers encounter enormous problems in the fight against this insect. The most used means of control are physical but they do not provide long-lasting results. And the other hand, chemical control can cause undesirable effects. Biological control or the use of biopesticide is therefore an alternative. In this sense, we carried out toxicity tests and showed the histological effects of neem seeds extracts (Azadirachta indica) on adults of R. invadens. The application of doses of 4%, 8%, 16%, 32% and 64% (g/ml) resulted in average mortalities of 42.92 ±10.57%; 52.59±11.41%; 54.55±10.73%; 66.22±6.91% and 100%±0.04% respectively in 24 hours compared to the control (1.033±0.05%). Histological sections showed that the product acted by destroying internal structures such as muscle tissue, cerarius and salivary glands. The results suggest that neem seed extracts has potential as a natural insecticide for the management of R. invadens adults and should be popularized in rural areas.


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