Diversity and regeneration status of wildlings in Mt. Pangasugan, Philippines

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Research Paper 06/01/2024
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Diversity and regeneration status of wildlings in Mt. Pangasugan, Philippines

Angelica P. Baldos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 1), 30-39, January 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Mt. Pangasugan is not only a refuge of endangered flora and fauna but also a source of water, food, wood and non-wood products. The pressure is considerably strong for Mt. Pangasugan since it is bounded by communities where its population is dependent on the forest for fuelwood, timber, and food. The composition, diversity, and regeneration status of wildlings in a secondary forest on Mt. Pangasugan were evaluated in this study. Three sites were studied, each of which was chosen and classed depending on elevation. Twenty-seven one-meter by one-meter subplots were used to obtain data on natural regeneration of tree species of less than one meter in height. A total of 24 species from 16 families were observed. The Shannon-Wiener index was used to describe species diversity, which showed that the site on the lower slope has the highest species composition with an H’ value of 2.18 and is more diverse than the middle and upper slopes, with H’ values of 1.93 and 1.69, respectively. Using the Jaccard similarity index, the lower and middle slopes shared 35 percent of the species composition, much more than the middle and upper slopeswhich was 23 percent, and the lower and upper slopes, 22 percent. Regeneration status of all sites was categorized as good suggesting of several positive ecological conditions and management practices. Assessing the regeneration status of a forest requires a comprehensive understanding of the local ecology, environmental conditions, and the specific species present in the forest. Regular monitoring and research are essential to ensure the continued health and sustainability of the forest ecosystem.

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