Use of bio-agent and organics for sustainable management of pea root rot

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Research Paper 04/04/2024
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Use of bio-agent and organics for sustainable management of pea root rot

Ferdous Akter, Tanvir Md. Rashedur Rahman, Mst. Sharmin Akter Shova, Md. Giush Uddin Ahmed, Most. Farhana Begom
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.24( 4), 1-8, April 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Efficacies of Trichoderma, neem and garlic extract were evaluated for managing pea root rot disease sustainably through seed treatment. The experiment employed six treatments alongside a control (T0= Control, T1= Trichoderma viride, T2= Trichoderma harzianum-BD, T3= Trichoderma harzianum-TH, T4= Neem extract, T5= Garlic extract, T6= Chemical i.e., Carbendazim 50 WP) in a randomized complete block design.  Results from in vitro experiments revealed substantial inhibition of Fusarium solani mycelial growth by Trichoderma and plant extracts. Trichoderma harzianum-TH exhibited the highest activity in suppressing fungal growth, closely followed by chemical treatment. Additionally, garlic extract showed notable inhibition in fungi. Field trials demonstrated significant reductions in both root rot incidence and severity of diseases in treated plots. Plots treated with Trichoderma harzianum-TH showed the most promising outcomes in regards to in vitro and field experiment. Moreover, Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum-BD, and neem extract also exhibited considerable effectiveness in curbing disease progression. This research contributes valuable insights into sustainable disease management strategies for enhancing pea crop productivity and resilience.

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