Bioremediating role of effective microbes (Ems): Improving the vegetative growth response of eggplants using organic fertilizer with ems and laundry waste utilization technology

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Research Paper 08/08/2024
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Bioremediating role of effective microbes (Ems): Improving the vegetative growth response of eggplants using organic fertilizer with ems and laundry waste utilization technology


The indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizer disrupts the natural ecosystem. This conventional way of agricultural production is still prevalent because the negative environmental impact is shrouded by the temporary return of investment by farmers and agriculturists. However, the negative consequences in the soil due to unsystematic use of chemical fertilizers will become evident in a few years. This present research attempts to circumvent this deleterious agricultural scheme by using beneficial microorganisms bioactivated organic fertilizers, instead of using the synthetic ones. The effective microorganisms present in the organic fertilizer are expected to create a bioremediating effect when laundry wastes are used to water eggplant. A true experimental design was utilized using randomized complete block design. Two hundred ten eggplant seedlings were grown in pots and organic fertilizers with effective microbes were applied. These eggplants were watered with different levels of laundry waste and were allowed to grow. Results of the present study show the bioremediating effect of beneficial microbes in the organic fertilizers used. Eggplants grown in soils with organic fertilizer containing effective microbes were significantly taller to those eggplants that received chemical fertilizer treatments, even if these eggplants were watered with laundry waste. The effective microbes potentially converted the toxic materials found in laundry waste into useful products or nutrients that are readily assimilated by the eggplants causing the plants to grow better than the control groups. In conclusion, effective microbes found in organic fertilizers have bioremediating role to improve the vegetative growth response of eggplants. Therefore, laundry waste can be used to water eggplants in soils amended with organic fertilizers with effective microbes.


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