Traditional communities of Luozi (DRC) and spontaneous flora food Resource

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Research Paper 07/10/2024
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Traditional communities of Luozi (DRC) and spontaneous flora food Resource

Hetudikila Bazengisa Alexis, Kimpouni Victor, Lassa Kanda Lemmy, Bikandu Kapesa Blaise, Lukoki Luyeye Félicien
Int. J. Biosci.25( 4), 145-157, October 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The food use of spontaneous flora from Luozi (DRC) is studied through the exploitation of traditional communities. Very often, the food potential of spontaneous flora is underestimated and almost not valued. The associated corollary is to see all related knowledge disappear. The study carried out in the ten sectors of the Luozi territory aims to promote the food species of the populations of the Luozi territory. The study method is focused on the ethnobotanical inventory based on a questionnaire coupled with individualized interviews and/or focus groups. The taxonomic analysis reveals 23 species representing 20 genera and 14 families of which Apocynaceae is the most diverse. Fruits and leaves are the most prized organs. Depending on the level of knowledge, Solanumamericanum is the most popular taxon, while Toxocarpusbreyipes has the highest ethnobotanical use value within communities (VAUS ≥ 0.95). Depending on the exploitation of flora, the traditional communities of Luozi do not form a homogeneous group. The Luozi territory is full of very diverse plant potential and of great nutritional value.

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