Knowledge and practices of rural mother about neonatal care

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Research Paper 17/10/2024
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Knowledge and practices of rural mother about neonatal care

Mst. Howa Bibi, Fahmida Khanam, Md. Akramul Haque
Int. J. Biosci.25( 4), 290-296, October 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Care of the newborn baby had always been traditionally done by mothers. Knowledge of mothers on neonatal care could help in bringing down the neonatal mortality. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted with aim to assess the level of knowledge and practices of rural mother about neonatal care at Mithapukur Upazila of Rangpur District in Bangladesh. The study was conducted from January to December 2017. A total of 412 respondents were enrolled with at least one child aged less than two years. Purposive sampling technique was followed for data collection by face to face interview with the semi structured questionnaire, and analyzed by SPSS-23. Out of 412 respondents, more than half 55.6% were found in the age group between 21-30 years (Mean=28.75, SD±5.805). Nearly half (44.4%) of the respondents had completed high school education. Most of the respondents (88.8) were house-wife and half (50.78%) of the respondents monthly income was between 5000-10000 taka. Among them, 86.9% had knowledge about feeding breast milk to their newborn baby and 99.3% respondents had good knowledge about the colostrum milk. Majority (60.9%) had knowledge about six vaccines, 59.2% of the respondents had good 23.1% had average and 17.7 % had poor knowledge about the neonatal care. However, majority (81.3%) of the respondent had average, (10.4%) had good and (8.3%) of the respondents had poor practices about the neonatal care. In this study, mother’s knowledge and practices regarding the improvement newborn care was adequate therefore formal maternal education helps to enhance the knowledge.

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