General characteristics of fungal species involved in the formation of mycobiota of some vegetable plants cultivated in Azerbaijan

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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General characteristics of fungal species involved in the formation of mycobiota of some vegetable plants cultivated in Azerbaijan

P. Z. Muradov, E. I. Allahverdiyev, K. F. Bakshaliyeva, A. Kh. Rajabli, G. A. Tomuyeva
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 454-459, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The mycobiota of tomato and cucumber plants cultivated under covered conditions was studied according to species composition, specific gravity of phytopathogens and endophytes, as well as ecophysiological characteristics of recorded fungi. It became clear that a total of 43 species of fungi participate in the formation of the mycobiota of the mentioned plants, of which 33 are phytopathogens, 6 are endophytes, and the status of 4 species is unknown. Although 15 species of phytopathogens are involved in the formation of the mycobiota of tomato and 8 species of cucumber, 10 species are involved in the formation of the phytopathogenic mycobiota of both plants. It became clear that the spread rate of the disease caused by these phytopathogens is 5.4-7.7% in tomato and 7.6-8.9% in cucumber. Although the noted fungi are characterized by similar indicators according to their ecophysiological characteristics, they are included in species with different characteristics (alcotolerant, microaerophilic, etc.). Endophytes include species that have a positive effect on the growth and productivity of both plants, among which the fungus Trichoderma harzianum AEF-2024 is considered more active. Thus, the treatment of plant seeds with the culture solution obtained from the mushroom in Çapek medium for 5 days and diluted 50 times has a positive effect on both the morphometric dimensions of the plants and the productivity.


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