Molecular analysis of drought-resistant cultivars in selected wheat genotypes

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Research Paper 11/12/2024
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Molecular analysis of drought-resistant cultivars in selected wheat genotypes

Mustafa Kamal, Shafee Ur Rehman
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 468-484, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Climate changes and global warming have seriously affected the agriculture industry worldwide. Decrease in water has significantly couse reduction in production and yield of many crops. Wheat is a major cereal crop cultivated around the globe. The current research was conducted to investigate drought resistant cultivars in the selected wheat cultivars. In the present study fifty wheat cultivars, scot markers were used during the experiment. The experiment was planned in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among the genotypes. The maximum mean value of plant height, tiller per plant, flag leaf area, spike length, spikelet’s per spike, grain per spike, biological yields, Yield/plant,  1000 grains weight, harvest index,  spikes density, yield per hectare and grain per spike were found in genotypes g10, g31, g35, g12, g28, g49 g20, g20, g3, g47, g39, g20, g46. The genotype g20 showed better result towards biological yield, yield per plant, and yield per hectare that is related with yield associated traits. Scot markers are practiced for 50 wheat genotypes. Such as scot 7, scot 10, scot 13, and scot18 show high level (100%) of polymorphism. No such marker produced monomorphic bands.


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