The odyssey of Gigolos in southern Philippines: Perks and drawbacks

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Research Paper 05/01/2025
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The odyssey of Gigolos in southern Philippines: Perks and drawbacks

Rheychold Jumuad Daymiel
Int. J. Biosci.26( 1), 88-106, January 2025.
Certificate: IJB 2025 [Generate Certificate]


The study delved into the life stories of gigolos in the twin cities of Southern Philippines. The study sought answers on the experiences of the informants as gigolos, the causes that drive the informants to engage in their job, and the impact of the informants’ job to their lives. Transcendental phenomenological approach was used in the study. The study utilized ten (10) research informants who were known and identified as gigolos. It was conducted in the southern part of the Philippines specifically in the twin cities of Zamboanga del Norte. The researcher utilized interview guides in the conduct of individual personal in-depth interview. Thematic content analysis was used in the treatment of collected data. The researcher generated three (3) themes for the experiences of the informants as a gigolo, namely: Performance-Based Incentives, Gratuities, and Downfalls of Services. As to the causes that drive the informants to engage in their job, the latter formulated three (3) themes, namely: Money Dictates, Educational Pursuit, and Bounty Hunter. On the impact of the informants’ job to their lives, three themes were created: Shameful Defeat, Health Glitch, and Parental Restraint. It was recommended that the government must uplift the poverty rate of the people. Creation of organization tasked in monitoring and tracking down known gigolos. Penalized any forms of male prostitution including their clientele. Awareness campaign on the adverse effects of becoming a gigolo, how this affects them, their families, friends, studies, the community, and its health related risk. Lastly, family and communities acceptance on their reintegration in to the community.


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