Ethnobotanical study for malaria vector control in Couffo department in south-western Republic of Benin, West Africa
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Ethnobotanical study for malaria vector control in Couffo department in south-western Republic of Benin, West Africa
The use of chemical insecticides causes important damages to environment and human health and there is a need to search for alternative solutions. Field surveys were organized from September to November 2023 during the small raining season in districts of Aplahoué, Djakotomey, Dogbo, Klouékanmè, lalo and Toviklin in Couffo department. Two villages were chosen in each of these districts by taking into account the sociodemographic data and the diversity of plants. The locations where these villages were chosen in each district were: Kissamey (Aplahoué), Kokohoué (Djakotomey), Totchangni (Dogbo), Tchikpé (klouekanmey), Doko (Toviklin) and Banigbé (Lalo). Then, investigations were done using ethnobotanical questions. These questions concerned: local names of plants used, the different organs of plants used, the using forms and using modes of these plants in malaria vector control in the villages surveyed. The results showed that more than thirty (30) plants were used by the people of Adja region in malaria vector control. These plants were used as powder applied on the skin of people in order to avoid that the mosquitoes took their meals on their body. The fumigation was the most using mode of cited plant species. Ethnobotanical study is very important in a context of resistance of malaria vector to the main classes of insecticide used in public health.
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Eloi Honvoh, Nazaire Aïzoun, Arlette Adjatin, Crispus Tossa, Daniel Chougourou (2025), Ethnobotanical study for malaria vector control in Couffo department in south-western Republic of Benin, West Africa; IJB, V26, N2, February, P117-125
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