Effect of chemical and biological fertilizer on rice yield, growth and quality in paddy soil of Guilan province (Iran)

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Research Paper 01/01/2013
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Effect of chemical and biological fertilizer on rice yield, growth and quality in paddy soil of Guilan province (Iran)

A. Nasrollah Zadeh, E. Amiri , A. Shariffar, M. Tayefe , S. A. Hashemi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 1), 61-68, January 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to evaluation of the effect of chemical and biological fertilizers on yield ,biomass and Quality parameters consist of protein content, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC), gelatinization temperature (GT) were considered at rice research institute of Iran. This research was applied in a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with 3 replications (2008 and 2009). In this experiment 4 biological treatment including:M1- (no fertilizer); M2 -10 ton/ha cow dung ; M3-20 ton/ha cow dung and M4-5 ton/ha azolla compost , and 4 chemical fertilizers including: S1-control (no N fertilizer); S2-40 kg N /ha; S3-60 kg N /ha and S4-80 kg N /ha were compared. Results showed: the effect of N application on yield increasing, was remarkable whereas in both of 2 years, in Biological fertilization M4 produced maximum grain yield (3387kg/ha) also in chemical fertilizers by increasing of N rate, yield increased, as maximum yield was observed in S4 (3373kg/ha). Also the different chemical fertilizer created a significant difference on quality parameters, as from S1 to S4 (GC) increased, whereas (GT) decreased so the highest GC and GT obtained in S4 and S1(46.56 and 4.53) respectively , also biological fertilization showed the highest GC and GT belonged to M2 and M1(47.12 and 4.46) respectively, In considering the chemical and biological fertilizers no significant difference was observed in AC . Also in biological fertilization the highest protein content (9.39%) belonged to M3 whiles S3 created maximum in chemical fertilization (9.51%).

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