Fruit quality attributes of tomato affected by application of different levels of potassium humate and micronutrients (Zn, B and Fe)

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Fruit quality attributes of tomato affected by application of different levels of potassium humate and micronutrients (Zn, B and Fe)

Ashfaq Ahmad Rahi, Saima Nazar, Zahid Hassan Tarar, Saleha Ahmed Ali, Khurrum Shehzad Baig, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Suleman.
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 332-341, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Deficiency of micronutrients is a major hurdle to achieve the optimum quality of crop plants fruits in agriculture. These micronutrients are equally important as that of macronutrients. In addition, better availability of micronutrients to the crops played an imperative role in improvement of reproductive growth of plants. Low organic content of arid and semiarid regions is a major factor that significantly decrease the micronutrients phytoavailability and fruit quality. Tomato is one of important crops which is widely consumed as a salad and cooking of food. Similarly, use of humate as an organic soil conditioned is also getting attention of farming community due to its potential benefits. That’s why keeping in mind the importance of organic matter and micronutrients, current experiment was conducted to examine the combine effect of potassium humate and micronutrients variable levels on fruit quality of tomato during summer and winter seasons. It is hypothesized that co-application of potassium and micronutrients application would be efficacious in improvement of tomato fruit quality. Results confirmed that 100% application rate of micronutrients (Zn, B and Fe) along with 15 kg ha-1 potassium humate was significantly best regarding an improvement in total soluble solids, lycopene, ascorbic acid and total acidity during summer and winter seasons. It is concluded that micronutrients should be used along with potassium humate to improve the quality of tomato fruits.

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