Genetic improvement of native goats through up-grading with beetal bucks in Talagang-Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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Genetic improvement of native goats through up-grading with beetal bucks in Talagang-Punjab, Pakistan

Faisal Ashfaq, M. Fatah Ullah Khan, Abdul Ghaffar, Aamir Bin Zahoor
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 496-499, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Goats have special significance in Pakistan with total population 76.1 million heads. There are more than 30 breeds of goat in the country. The Beetal breed is very popular in Punjab and considered the most abundant breed in the province with large size and good milk production. This study was conducted in Talagang area, Chakwal district, Punjab. The inhabitants are mostly poor and rely on agriculture and livestock farming particularly sheep and goat rearing. For the up-grading of native goats in different villages, 12 Beetal bucks and 50 does were distributed in the community. One Beetal buck was given in each village for crossing with native goats to improve the local goat breed of the farmers. There were more than 200 beneficiaries under this activity. The birth weight of male Teddy crossbreds and Beetal were not different. Whereas birth weight of female Beetal has the highest weight (3.52±0.60kg) as compared to Teddy and Rulgud. Pre-weaning growth rate was highest in Teddy crossbreds (123.5 g/day) among the tested breeds while it was lowest in Beetal. The mortality was high in Beetal kids (12%) and lowest in Rulgud crossbred (3%). This indicates that Beetal goat was not adapted to the new environment compared to other Teddy and Rulgud crossbreds. The milk yield (1.25 Litre/day) of pure Beetal and Rulgud was similar. The study indicates that Beetal doe is not adapted in this area and the Beetal bucks may be distributed for crossbreeding purposes under this environment.

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