Integrated management of fusarium root rot and wilt disease of soybean caused by Fusarium oxysporum

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Research Paper 01/08/2020
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Integrated management of fusarium root rot and wilt disease of soybean caused by Fusarium oxysporum

M. Tahmidur Rahman, M. Tanbir Rubayet, Abu Ashraf Khan, M. Khurshed Alam Bhuiyan
Int. J. Biosci.17( 2), 83-96, August 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


An attempt was taken for the management of Fusarium root rot and wilt disease of soybean caused by Fusarium oxysporum using the integration of bio-agent with fungicide and organic amendment. Before going to the field experiments, different in vitro trials were conducted to select a virulent isolate of F. oxysporum, an effective antagonistic isolate of Trichderma harzianum, suitable fungicide and organic amendment. Among the seven isolates of F. oxysporum, FOS-3 isolate was selected as a tested pathogen by the pathogenicity test. On the contrary, among the eighty-seven isolates of T. harzianum, ISR-26 isolate showed the highest (78.70%) inhibition of radial growth of test pathogen. In the case of fungicidal evaluation trial, Provax 200WP was found the most effective fungicide at the lowest conc. (75 ppm) for inhibiting the radial growth of F. oxysporum isolate FOS-3. Additionally, in vitro trial of different organic amendments, mustard oil cake was found the most effective organic amendment for reducing the growth and development of test pathogen at 3% concentration level. In the field trial, integrated use of T. harzianum with Provax 200WP and mustard oil cake under the treatment T9 has appeared the best treatment in reducing seedling mortality (77.67%), disease incidence (81.88%) as well as disease severity (87.51%) caused by the test pathogen. Moreover, treatment T9 was not only the best treatment for the management of soybean disease but also increased the significant quantity of yield (2.25 tha-1).

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