Prospects of kidney stone management by phytotherapy: A review

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Prospects of kidney stone management by phytotherapy: A review

Muhammad Sarwar Yaqub, Rozina Aslam
Int. J. Biosci.17( 3), 67-73, September 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Causes of kidney stone formation, types of kidney stones, some frequently used medicinal plants to cure kidney stones and their pharmacological action are reviewed in this article. Kidney stones are major threat to human life and cause economic burden on human population. Studies on treatment of kidney stones by medicinal plants searching for lithotriptic activity of plants need attention. During this study, it was found that medicinal plants are the most effective source for the treatment of kidney stones. The main objective of this study was to explore the efficacy and availability of medicinal plants as an alternative and to provide economical, side effect free, environment friendly, and easily available treatment to reduce the burden of urolithiasis on patients and healthcare management.

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