Amelioration of myocardial apoptosis by using Ocimum basilicum in rats after exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF): light and transmission microscopic study

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Research Paper 15/10/2012
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Amelioration of myocardial apoptosis by using Ocimum basilicum in rats after exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF): light and transmission microscopic study

Amir Afshin Khaki, Arash Khaki
Int. J. Biosci.2( 11), 1-10, October 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Apoptotic cell death plays a pivotal role in the development of heart failure. Exposure to EMF that arises from electronic means has harmful effect on public health, and cause to cell injury like apoptosis Medicinal use of ocimum basilicum dates back to ancient Iran, China and India. It has been used since ancient time as medicinal and food origin as an antioxidant’s ocimum basilicum has a useful effect on many tissues as a protective on emf harmful Sid effects.Wistar male rat (n=40) were allocated into four groups, control (n=10) and test groups (n=30), that subdivided into groups of 3, the extract group were received of ocimum basilicum extract (1.5g/kg body), second extract group were received of ocimum basilicum extract (1.5g/kg body) and emf group that exposed to50 Hz for 40 consequence day. for 40 consequence day. Animals were kept in standard conditions. In end of study the heart tissue of Rats in whole groups were removed and prepared for pathology and biochemical analysis. Serum MDA, percentage of apoptotic cells and artery hyperemia significantly were increased in experimental group that has exposed to 50Hz EMF (p<0.05).the level of TAC, GPX in groups which received 1.5g/kg body ocimum basilicum extract significantly were increased (p<0.05) in comparison to control group. Morphology of heart in both experimental and control group were similar. Results revealed that administration of 1.5g/kg body of ocimum basilicum extract significantly decreased the apoptotic rate and protects myocardial cells by presents its antioxidant role.


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