Improvement of Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Wheat by Seed Priming

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Improvement of Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Wheat by Seed Priming

Ahmad Zada, Ahmad Ali, Zahid Ullah, Hassan Sher, Azhar Hussain Shah, Imran Khan, Amir Zaman Shah
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 133-142, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The present work was conducted to find out the role of seed priming on wheat germination. The study was carried out in the Central Laboratory of Centre for plant Sciences & Biodiversity (CPS&B), University of Swat, Pakistan. Three wheat genotypes (HU-12, HU-17, and HU-20) and two check cultivars (Inqilab-91 and Chakwal-50) were studied. Seven priming media were employed which included Urea 1% and 0.5%; Distilled water (dH2O), diammonium phosphate (DAP) 0.5% and 1%; single super phosphate (SSP) 1% and 0.5% with priming duration 18 and 36 h. The priming media (PM), genotypes (gen) and priming duration (PD) significantly affected germination percentage, germination rate index, root diameter, root length and shoot length. Seeds primed with dH2O for 18 h performed well for all the studied attributes followed by Urea 0.5%, Urea 1% and DAP 0.5%. Similarly, the wheat genotypes HU-20 and HU-12 performed well for all the studied attributes followed by HU-17, Inqilab-91 and Chakwal-50 respectively. Further, PD of 18 h was observed to be more appropriate when compared to 36 h priming duration. The genotype HU12, HU17 and Inq91 performed better regarding root fresh weight in both controlled and stress conditions. The genotype HU12, HU17 and HU20 performed well for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and proline content in both controlled and stress conditions when compared to check cultivars. Further, a less relative decrease in chlorophyll content and an increase in proline content indicated that priming with urea 0.5% for 18 h duration has enhanced the osmotic tolerance of the studied wheat genotypes.


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