Contribution of drought on variability in crop yields and physiochemical responses of selected Rapeseed/mustard genotypes

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Contribution of drought on variability in crop yields and physiochemical responses of selected Rapeseed/mustard genotypes

Bulbul Ahmed, Atiya Sharmin Mitu, Mahbuba Khanum, Md. Harun, A.H.M. Motiur Rahman Talukder
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 433-441, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


To identify the drought-tolerant Rapeseed-mustard genotype based on physiochemical responses an experiment was carried out from November 2017 to February 2018. The experiment was designed in Randomized Complete Block (RCB) with three replications including the treatments of factor A: irrigation regimes viz. T1 = irrigation (control) and T2 = drought (no irrigation) and factor B: five genotypes/varieties viz. V1 = BC-9909, V2 = BJDH-05, V3 = Nap-0544, V4 = BARI Sharisha-11, and V5 = BARI Sharisha-16. Irrespective of genotypes/varieties, drought stress greatly fluctuated the all physiochemical, yield contributing and yield parameters. Based on physicochemical parameters like accumulation of chlorophyll, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant; Nap-0544 was found to be a drought-tolerant genotype due to its greater and lower accumulation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant respectively (greater CAT, POD, APX, proline and lower MDA) under drought stress. This genotype may be further explored to characterize its genes and mechanisms against drought stress for increased Rapeseed-mustard production and way of developing the drought-tolerant varieties.

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